Rampele de udare Bauer

Usor de manevrat - economice - delicate cu plantele si cu solul

  • Irigarea cu rampele de udare Bauer ofera precipitatii deosebit de fine, protejand plantele si solul.
  • O presiune scazuta de pana la 0,8 bari la duze este suficienta pentru a putea functiona
  • In acest mod economisiti energie si apa.

Cea mai fina irigare

  • O presiune de 0,8 bari la duze este suficienta pentru o irigare deosebit de fina, care protejeaza plantele si solul.
  • Picaturile fine previn compactarea solului.
  • Alte avantaje sunt: presiunea redusa, distributia uniforma a precipitatiilor si sensibilitatea scazuta la vant.
  • Prin distribuirea apei aproape de sol, evaporarea se reduce, crescand astfel eficienta.    

Compact transport unit

  • For transport, the fold away elements of the boom AS 32 and AS 50 are loaded onto the RAINSTAR
  • A single operation easily opens or closes the boom in just a few minutes.

Lateral field transport, parallel to the drive direction (A):

  • At the end of the irrigation strip the cart is lifted automatically (RAINSTAR T) by the hydraulic system (RAINSTAR E) and the RAINSTAR with boom is ready for transport
  • Without any boom adjustments the assembly is positioned on the next strip in no time.

Rear field transport - across the driving direction (B)

  • The unfolded boom can be lifted by the hydraulics and transported to the next set-up position - even perpendicular to the driving direction
  • The transport of the cart is particularly time saving if the PE-pipe is laid down


Transport Ausleger